Credit Card machines are becoming inevitable for every Business now. There are certain documents required for processing the Application. The documents are –

  1. Trade license copy of the company.

  2. Passport, Visa and Emirates ID Copy of all the partners including local partner/Agent.
  3. Memorandum of Association / Share certificate / Articles of association copy –  normally in this document it will be clearly mentioned who is the authorized signatory for the company.
  4. Bank Statement or IBAN Proof – We required complete account number , IBAN and company name in the proof from Bank side.
  5. Payment cheque – This is the payment for setup charge you can give maximum 10 days post dated cheque.

  6. Tenancy Contract.
  7. TRN certificate



How To Use Contactless Payment In Credit Card Machine?

Sudheep C C

Author Sudheep C C

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